Heat the flask in the microwave for about a minute, or until it boils.

Drop a magnetic stir bar into the flask and cover the top of the flask with a small beaker, to minimize evaporation.( belgand says S/he uses 40 ml of TBE instead.) Add 50 ml of 1x TAE buffer to the flask.5 g of agarose, a white powder, and dump it into a 250 ml Erlenmyer flask. Then place the comb at one end of the gel tray- there will be 2 notches that it fits into.You may have to wet the gaskets with water so that they slide in. Place the gel tray in the electrophoresis chamber so that the rubber gaskets on the tray engage the sides of the chamber. This is made of hard plastic and consists of an electrophoresis chamber with two wells on the side, a removable gel tray, a comb with as many teeth as you have samples/ ladders, and a lid connected to power cords. To increase the % agarose (some gels call for as much as 2%), or the volume, just maintain the following proportions. The following protocol is what I use to produce a 50 ml, 1% agarose gel. The product of a minicolumn, DNA/RNA purifying reaction.The product of an enzymatic, DNA/RNA cutting reaction.The product of a PCR (DNA/RNA amplifying) reaction.Choosing DNA samples that are promising candidates for sequencing (larger fragments = more promising).Ascertaining the presence of multiple alleles for protein production in members of a population.Testing the success of a DNA or RNA extraction.You use an agarose gel for gel electrophoresis, which is a method for sorting and visualizing DNA, RNA, or protein molecules by mass, as measured in base pairs (for DNA or RNA) or in amino acids (for proteins). An agarose gel is effectively a rectangular filter made of toxic Jello.